sábado, 14 de julho de 2018

Dia dos pais

Para mais atividades 

Avaliação diagnóstica de inglês - ensino médio (sugestão 2)

1. Circule a palavra correta (em negrito).

a) The hairdressers aren't / isn't here.
b) My family / families is in London. 
c) There are ten candles between / on the birthday cake. 
d) My cousin has got an / a new camera. 
e) How old is / are your grandpa? 
f) Let's go to an / the beach today. 

2. Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar frases. 

a) a / is / dentist / aunt / my 
b) house / the / in / is / the / cat 
c) at / not / school / they / are 
d) big / is / not / sandcastle / a 
e) a / actor / you / talented / are 
f) teacher / next / are / the / we / to 

3. Complete com respostas curtas.

a) Is the hotel small? Yes, ___________________. 
b) Are your sisters twins? No, ___________________.
c) Are you a drummer? Yes, __________________.
d) Is Mr Oliveira a strict teacher? No, ______________.
e) Are you and your brother happy at your new school? Yes, ________________. 

4. Leia o texto abaixo.

Hi Joe! 

How are you? How's your uncle? I'm OK. I'm on holiday with my family. 
We're at a small hotel in France. lt's near the beach. The hotel is new and there are lots of nice people here. 
It's fun here! The beach is great, but my little sister is afraid of the water! 
She's with my grandma now. They are in the hotel garden. Mum and Dad are in the sea. We are outdoors most of the time. 
The restaurant next to the hotel is very good, and the waiters are nice. 
Here is a photo of me with my brother. We are behind a sandcastle, and there is a crab in front of the sandcastle. 

Bye for now!

Circule as palavras corretas de acordo com o texto.

a) Alice is with her uncle / family
b) The beach / hotel is small. 
c) Alice's sister is afraid of gardens / water
d) The waiters are new / nice
e) Alice's brother is behind / in front the sandcastle. 

5. Complete o grupo de palavras abaixo com: arm, handsome, monster, mouth, top.

a) beautiful, cute, ________________.
b) eyes, nose, ___________________.
c) jacket, shirt, __________________.
d) ghost, witch, _________________.
e) finger, hand, __________________. 

6. Complete as frases abaixo com as palavras: afraid, favourite, great, happy, interesting, new.

a) I'm _____________ of dogs!
b) Jeremy is my _____________ cousin. He's cool!
c) Mum is very ____________today. It's her birthday!
d) Your new boat is _______________!
e) Jack is the ___________ boy at school. 
f) The Ellen DeGeneres Show is an ________________ programme. 

7. Observe as imagens e escreva frases usando THERE IS e THERE ARE. Palavras de apoio: angel, fairy, witch, monster, queen. 






8. Leia as respostas e formule as perguntas. Use IS THERE e ARE THERE.

a) ___________________________? Yes, there is a girl.
b) ___________________________? No, there aren't seven fairies.
c) ___________________________? Yes, there are two witches.
d) ___________________________ ? No, there isn't a prince.
e) ___________________________? No, there aren't three queens.
f) ___________________________? Yes, there is a cowboy.

9. Leia a descrição abaixo sobre um monstro chamado Bob e faça um desenho para representá-lo.

Bob has got two heads. He's got three arms, three hands and nine fingers.He's also got two legs, four feet and eight toes. He's a happy monster!

10. Grife a palavra correta que está em negrito.

a) This/These shoes are comfortable.
b) Is that/those T-shirt baggy?
c) This/These jacket is expensive.
d) Are that/those skirts new?
e) That/Those hat is great.

11. Grife a palavra correta que está em negrito.

a) Whose/ Who's shoes are big?
b) Whose /Who's a clothes designer?
c) Whose /Who's got a black dress?
d) Whose/ Who's hair is long in your class?
e) Whose /Who's got red boots?

12. Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no presente simples.

a) Mum __________ (tidy) the house on Sundays.
b) Joanna and I ____________ (study) in our bedroom. 
c) Dad _____________ (relax) on Saturdays. 
d) Helen and Jane ______________ (play) in the park. 
e) My sister _____________ (watch) TV every evening.
f) George ______________ (live) in London. 

13. Complete as frases com DON'T ou DOESN'T.

a) I ________ like flats.
b) Peter _________decorate his room. 
c) John and Paul __________do the washing-up.
d) The dog ___________ sleep in my room.
e) Maria and I __________ want bright colours in our bedroom.
f) Jessica ____________ know what colour to paint her kitchen.

14. Complete as questões com DO ou DOES.

a) ________ you come from Holland?
b) ________ Peter like big houses?
c) ________ John speak Italian?
d) ________ this village have schools?
e) ________ Michael and Sam live here?
f) ________ Maggie and I dance well?

15. Complete com DO ou MAKE.

a) I don't __________ jobs at home.
b) Do you always _________ the washing-up?
c) Please _________ your bed.
d) We _________ a cup of coffee every morning.
e) I don't want to _________ my homework.

16. Read Kerry’s blog. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher, but I don’t work at a secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to 40 years old and they come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or for holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after work. There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30. We have a break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and they do some homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they read books. They like to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like my students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good English now too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s very good!

a) Kerry teaches at a secondary school. T/F/NM
b) Her class has five students. T/F/NM
c) They want to learn English for an exam. T/F/NM
d) Kerry doesn’t teach grammar. T/F/NM
e) Sometimes she plays music in the class. T/F/NM

17. Write a short description of yourself to put on an international friends website. Write about your family, school and hobbies. Write 35–50 words.


1. Circule a palavra correta (em negrito).

a) The hairdressers aren't / isn't here.
b) My family / families is in London. 
c) There are ten candles between / on the birthday cake. 
d) My cousin has got an / a new camera. 
e) How old is / are your grandpa? 
f) Let's go to an / the beach today. 

2. Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar frases. 

a) a / is / dentist / aunt / my
My aunt is a dentist.
b) house / the / in / is / the / cat
The cat is in the house.
c) at / not / school / they / are
They are not at school.
d) big / is / not / sandcastle / a
A sandcastle is not big.
e) a / actor / you / talented / are
You are a talented actor.
f) teacher / next / are / the / we / to
We are next to the teacher. 

3. Complete com respostas curtas.

a) Is the hotel small? Yes, it is
b) Are your sisters twins? No, they aren't.
c) Are you a drummer? Yes, I am.
d) Is Mr Oliveira a strict teacher? No, he isn't.
e) Are you and your brother happy at your new school? Yes, we are

4. Leia o texto abaixo.

Hi Joe!
How are you? How's your uncle? I'm OK. I'm on holiday with my family. 
We're at a small hotel in France. lt's near the beach. The hotel is new and there are lots of nice people here. 
It's fun here! The beach is great, but my little sister is afraid of the water! 
She's with my grandma now. They are in the hotel garden. Mum and Dad are in the sea. We are outdoors most of the time. 
The restaurant next to the hotel is very good, and the waiters are nice. 
Here is a photo of me with my brother. We are behind a sandcastle, and there is a crab in front of the sandcastle. 

Bye for now!
Circule as palavras corretas de acordo com o texto.

a) Alice is with her uncle / family
b) The beach / hotel is small. 
c) Alice's sister is afraid of gardens / water
d) The waiters are new / nice
e) Alice's brother is behind / in front the sandcastle. 

5. Complete o grupo de palavras abaixo com: arm, handsome, monster, mouth, top.

a) beautiful, cute, handsome.
b) eyes, nose, mouth.
c) jacket, shirt, top.
d) ghost, witch, monster.
e) finger, hand, arm

6. Complete as frases abaixo com as palavras: afraid, favourite, great, happy, interesting, new.

a) I'm afraid of dogs!
b) Jeremy is my favourite cousin. He's cool!
c) Mum is very happy today. It's her birthday!
d) Your new boat is great!
e) Jack is the new boy at school. 
f) The Ellen DeGeneres Show is an interesting programme. 

7. Observe as imagens e escreva frases usando THERE IS e THERE ARE. Palavras de apoio: angel, fairy, witch, monster, queen. 

There are two angels.
There is a/one fairy.
There are three witches.
There is a/one monster.
There are three queens. 

8. Leia as respostas e formule as perguntas. Use IS THERE e ARE THERE.

a) Is there a girl? Yes, there is a girl.
b) Are there seven fairies? No, there aren't seven fairies.
c) Are there two witches? Yes, there are two witches.
d) Is there a prince ? No, there isn't a prince.
e) Are there three queens? No, there aren't three queens.
f) Is there a cowboy? Yes, there is a cowboy.

9. Leia a descrição abaixo sobre um monstro chamado Bob e faça um desenho para representá-lo.

Bob has got two heads. He's got three arms, three hands and nine fingers.He's also got two legs, four feet and eight toes. He's a happy monster!

10. Grife a palavra correta que está em negrito.

a) This/These shoes are comfortable.
b) Is that/those T-shirt baggy?
c) This/These jacket is expensive.
d) Are that/those skirts new?
e) That/Those hat is great.

11. Grife a palavra correta que está em negrito.

a) Whose/ Who's shoes are big?
b) Whose /Who's a clothes designer?
c) Whose /Who's got a black dress?
d) Whose/ Who's hair is long in your class?
e) Whose /Who's got red boots?

12. Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no presente simples.

a) Mum tidies the house on Sundays.
b) Joanna and I study in our bedroom. 
c) Dad relaxes on Saturdays. 
d) Helen and Jane play in the park. 
e) My sister watches TV every evening.
f) George lives in London. 

13. Complete as frases com DON'T ou DOESN'T.

a) don't like flats.
b) Peter doesn't decorate his room. 
c) John and Paul don't do the washing-up.
d) The dog doesn't sleep in my room.
e) Maria and I don't want bright colours in our bedroom.
f) Jessica doesn't know what colour to paint her kitchen.

14. Complete as questões com DO ou DOES.

a) Do you come from Holland?
b) Does Peter like big houses?
c) Does John speak Italian?
d) Does this village have schools?
e) Do Michael and Sam live here?
f) Do Maggie and I dance well?

15. Complete com DO ou MAKE.

a) I don't do jobs at home.
b) Do you always do the washing-up?
c) Please make your bed.
d) We make a cup of coffee every morning.
e) I don't want to do my homework.

16. Read Kerry’s blog. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher, but I don’t work at a secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to 40 years old and they come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or for holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after work. There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30. We have a break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and they do some homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they read books. They like to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like my students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good English now too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s very good!

a) Kerry teaches at a secondary school. T/F/NM
b) Her class has five students. T/F/NM
c) They want to learn English for an exam. T/F/NM
d) Kerry doesn’t teach grammar. T/F/NM
e) Sometimes she plays music in the class. T/F/NM

17. Write a short description of yourself to put on an international friends website. Write about your family, school and hobbies. Write 35–50 words.

Para mais atividades 

Diagnóstica de inglês

Avaliação diagnóstica de inglês - ensino médio (sugestão 1)

1. Complete as frases usando is, was, are, were. 

a) Andrea _____ in Brazil now. Last year she _____ in the USA.
b) Rio _____ not the capital of Brazil now. It _____ the capital in 1930.
c) There _____ many new students in the school this term. Last term there ______ very few.
d) There _____ many new CDs in this shop today, but yesterday there _______ only the old ones.
e) They _____ reading now, but a few minutes ago they ______ doing sports.

2. Reescreva as frases nas formas interrogativa e negativa. 

a) They visited Paradise Mall last month.
b) These people usually buy their clothes in malls.
c) The customer wanted more information about vitamins.
d) She goes to Fruit Flavours for the strawberry ice-cream.

3. Escreva ao lado de cada verbo sua forma no simple past, no past participle e a tradução. 

a) to wake
b) to put
c) to have
d) to see
e) to tell
f) to go
g) to be
h) to eat

4. Complete o parágrafo abaixo sobre Pedro. Use a forma correta dos verbos. 

Pedro__________ (to wake up) very early in the morning. He_________ (have) breakfast at 7:00 and then he___________ (to leave) for school. Yesterday he _____________________ (to go/negative) to classes because it __________ (to be) a holiday in his city. So, he ____________ (to decide) to go to the park with his friends. At 5 p.m. they ___________ (to feel) exhausted. They _____________ (to get back) home at 6 p.m.

5. Relacione as colunas. 

a) I am hungry.
b) He doesn't know the lesson.
c) I am thirsty.
d) I like football.

(  ) I will watch the match.
(  ) I will drink some water.
(  ) I will eat a banana.
(  ) I will help him.

6. Reescreva as frases substituindo os substantivos destacados pelos pronomes correspondentes. 

a) Helen went to the beach with Peter and Jane.
b) My friends and I use sunscreen every day.
c) The teacher helped the students
d) The customer wanted to buy a jewel for his wife.

7. Reescreva as frases na voz passiva.

a) They repair cars in garages.
b) They sell many different items in department stores.
c) She took her dog for a walk.
d) Somebody hired a bike at the bike shop inside the mall.

8. Escreva a tradução das frases.

a) They are looking for a new CD.
b) Her hair looks horrible. 
c) I am looking for Apple store. Where is it?
d) They look cool in their new jeans.
e) They are looking at the clothes in the window. 

9. Leia o texto.

A few years ago consumers used to shop in commercial streets, in shopping centres (or shopping malls) or in street markets. Little by little the picture started to change. Delivery services were introduced in the market. Food from takeaway restaurants, for example, started to be ordered by phone from home or from office. Nowadays shopping styles are changing very fast because of the development of new forms of communication. The Internet, the television shopping channels and a great variety of catalogues from many companies are available to the consumer. How do you prefer to shop? 

Agora separe as palavras abaixo, retiradas do texto, em duas categorias.

specific commercial streets - shopping centers - street markets - catalogues - telephone delivery services - virtual shops on the internet - TV shopping channels

Categoria 1 - A few years ago people used to shop in:
Categoria 2 - Nowadays people can also choose: 

10. Complete as frases utilizando as palavras abaixo:

a lot of sport                    
the guitar in a band
online with my friends                  
photos on holiday                    
films on my laptop                 
pictures of my family  

a) I often chat ______________________________.                      
b) I always take ____________________________.
c) We hardly ever watch _____________________.                     
d) My friend plays __________________________ .                     
e) My mum doesn’t do _______________________.                   
f) I sometimes draw _________________________.  


a) Andrea is in Brazil now. Last year she was in the USA.
b) Rio is not the capital of Brazil now. It was the capital in 1930.
c) There are many new students in the school this term. Last term there were very few.
d) There are many new CDs in this shop today, but yesterday there were only the old ones.
e) They are reading now, but a few minutes ago they were doing sports.

a) Did they visit Paradise Mall last month? - They didn't visit Paradise Mall last month.
b) Do these people usually buy their clothes in malls? - These people don't usually buy their clothes in malls.
c) Did the customer want more information about vitamins? - The customer didn't want more information about vitamins.
d) Does she go to Fruit Flavours for the strawberry ice-cream? - She doesn't go to Fruit Flavours for the strawberry ice-cream. 

a) to wake - woke -woken - acordar
b) to put - put - put - colocar
c) to have - had - had - ter
d) to see - saw - seen - ver
e) to tell - told - told - contar
f) to go - went - gone - ir
g) to be - was/were - been - ser/estar
h) to eat - ate - eaten - comer

Pedro wakes up very early in the morning. He has breakfast at 7:00 and then he leaves for school. Yesterday he  didn't go to classes because it was a holiday in his city. So, he decided to go to the park with his friends. At 5 p.m. they felt exhausted. They got back home at 6 p.m.

(d) I will watch the match.
(c) I will drink some water.
(a) I will eat a banana.
(b) I will help him.

a) She went to the beach with them.
b) We use sunscreen every day.
c) He/she helped the them.
d) He wanted to buy a jewel for her.

a) Cars are repaired in garages.
b) Many different items are sold in department stores.
c) Her dog was taken for a walk.
d) A bike was hired at the bike shop inside the mall.

a) Eles estão procurando um novo CD.
b) O cabelo dela está horrível.
c) Estou procurando a loja da Apple. Onde é?
d) Eles são superbacanas (superlegais) em seus jeans novos / ficam super bem em seus jeans novos. 
e) Eles estão olhando as roupas na vitrine. 

Categoria 1 - A few years ago people used to shop in: shopping centers, street markets and in specific commercial streets. 
Categoria 2 - Nowadays people can also choose: shopping from catalogues, the internet (virtual shopping) and in TV shopping channels. 

a) I often chat online with my friends.                      
b) I always take photos on holiday .
c) We hardly ever watch films on my laptop.                     
d) My friend plays the guitar in a band.                     
e) My mum doesn’t do a lot of sport  .                   
f) I sometimes draw pictures of my family.   

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Estou disponibilizando hoje mais um material , modelos de  Avaliações Diagnósticas

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1- Avaliação diagnóstica 9 ano

2- Avaliação diagnóstica 8 ano

3- Avaliação diagnóstica 7 ano

4- Avaliação Diagnóstica 6 ano

5- Avaliação 9 ano 2015

6_ Avaliação Diagnóstica 8 ano - 2015

7- Avaliação diagnóstica 7 ano - 2015

8- Avaliação de inglês 6 ano - 2015

9- Avaliação Diagnóstica 2 ano EM 

10- Avaliação diagnóstica 

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